ks3 geographers in action

Place matters in Year 7 Geography!
Mr Neale is proud today to share news about the fantastic presentations delivered by his Year 7 Geography class on Place Matters. For this unit of the KS3 Geography curriculum, Year 7 are tasked with studying and considering what makes one place different to another and what places have in common.
The students explore the climate, population, and politics of different places as well as a variety of physical and human features of contrasting places within a given region. They use transferable skills such as team work, cooperation, research and presentation.
Mr Neale's students worked incredibly hard towards these learning objectives, researching a variety of countries and places, and collaborating to produce insightful infographics, even bringing in food and cultural items to share and display, as you can see.
Really well done all, with huge thanks to Mr Neale for sharing this wonderful news!