science club mix it up

Density cocktails all round at Year 7 Science Club this week!
At this lunchtime's Science Club workshop, it was time for our Year 7 scientists to participate in some more fun hands-on learning as they got to experiment with their very own "Density cocktails".
They were tasked with testing out a variety of colourful liquids, including washing up liquid, syrup and water, to evaluate their density.
Our students explored the concept of specific gravity: the density of a liquid compared to water, and they discovered that in general, liquids with more sugar tend to be heavier, and liquids with more fat tend to be lighter.
Next week, in the grand finale to the half term, Science Club will enjoy a workshop on Alka Seltzer rockets. It promises to be explosive - watch this space for updates!
With huge thanks as ever to Mr Murray, Dr Bethell, and all in Team Science who work so hard on organising this fantastic enrichment opportunity for our Year 7 scientists.