supercurricular lecture

Mr Connell delivers a fascinating insight into Postcolonial Theory
Yesterday evening in our theatre we were delighted to host the latest in our series of community supercurricular lectures, the third of this academic year; and it was fantastic to welcome so many students, parents and carers, staff, and guests from Wellington school.
Our community lecture series has been designed to provide a supercurricular opportunity for students, particularly those in sixth form, to experience university level teaching with an expert in their field.
Mr Connell took the stand on: Postcolonial Theory, Literature and Film, a fascinating lecture that explored how imperial and colonial power has been imagined, staged and challenged by individuals throughout European and western history, from Shakespeare's Henry IV, The Tempest, and Othello, through 19th Century literature, the work of James Joyce, and Francis Ford Coppola's ground-breaking film Apocalypse Now, that of course took Joseph Conrad's novel Heart of Darkness as its inspiration, as Mr Connell explored in depth.
Evaluating and exploring the critical thinking of Said and Fanon amongst others, the literary and cultural response to decolonisation, and anti-colonial writing, Mr Connell explained how most of the ideas that he was touching upon emerged at Brecht-like fracture points in history, one of which the world is of course currently experiencing.
A truly inspirational and thought-provoking evening that facilitated for the audience, as lecture series coordinator Mrs McNally pointed out: "the beginning of a more critical understanding of the world around you".
With huge thanks to Mr Connell, Mrs McNally, and all who attended; watch this space for news about the next lecture in our series!