wintry welcome this morning

And we were delighted to welcome Year 11 parents and carers yesterday evening
It was an icy but scenic start to another UGS day, and yesterday evening it was our pleasure to welcome Year 11 parents, carers and students to Parent's Evening, a fantastic opportunity to discuss progress, achievements and GCSE exam preparation at this all-important juncture in their learning journeys.
As well as meeting with their subject teachers, all students, parents and carers were invited to attend a short briefing to discuss strategies to support students on the approach to the summer GCSEs.
In school, these strategies include revision skills assemblies and subject support sessions, and the schedule for the coming months was outlined and distributed.
Furthermore, as Co-Head Mr Kennedy-Fowler explains: "At home, we encourage parents and carers to support in helping students follow their revision schedule, to manage distractions like mobile phones, and to build in rewards. We're hopeful that strong collaboration between parents/carers and school will help every student reach their full potential".
Year 11 will also attend individual Post-16 interviews with our leadership and Sixth Form team, where they will have the opportunity to discuss plans for the next phase of their academic journeys as they prepare to enter KS5 post-GCSE.
We wish our fantastic Year 11 cohort all the best for the coming months, and we know that their commitment and positive approach to learning will continue to do us proud and deliver the outcomes that they have worked so hard towards.