new maths mystery challenge

Things get pyrotechnical on the Maths corridor!

A new month can only mean one thing in our Maths corridor ... time for a brand new mystery challenge for our keen Year 7 and Year 8 mathematicians!

As you may have guessed, the theme this month chimes with Bonfire Night and Remembrance Sunday, and our Maths department have this to say:

Here is our November Maths Mystery board full of whizzing, popping puzzles for you to try out. 

Entries this year have consistently been at record levels, so let's keep this up! The challenge is open to all in Year 7 and 8. Good luck!

Full details of how the students can complete, complete, and submit their entries are posted on Satchel One, and we look forward to sharing updates on who makes their way onto the coveted Maths Mystery Wall of Fame!