ambassadors launch Tara at ugs

Our TARA ambassadors deliver inaugural assemblies & meet for planning this week

Pictured above are our UGS TARA (Trafford School's Anti-Racism Alliance) ambassadors Siya 9R, Diane 9R, Nini 9M, Asfer 7R, Alexa 12X, Jasmine 12X and Aiman 12X (and also Rose 12S, not pictured) at the conclusion of their lunchtime meeting today, chaired by Jasmine, where they began to formulate plans to action the TARA vision in school.

We were proud as a school to sign up to participate in TARA, and our ambassadors attended its inaugural meeting at Altrincham Grammar School for Boys last term, where we joined with representatives from schools across Trafford to formulate a vision and objectives for moving forward:

TARA vision

To create a fair and inclusive environment for every student in Trafford

To combine forces to share ideas and schemes

To empower our schools to dismantle patterns of racism and injustice in both schools and communities

To create an equal environment where students are free to express and celebrate individuality.

Yesterday, Jasmine, Rose, Alexa and Aiman were proud to deliver the first UGS TARA Assembly to their peers in Year 12, and Head of Year and Assistant Head of Sixth Form Mr Neale and Assistant Head Teacher and Head of Sixth Form Miss Lingwood were keen to congratulate them on their professional presentation, and thanked them for their positive contribution to whole school community development.

On Friday morning this week, our younger ambassadors, supported by Mrs Wall, will present to students in KS3 and KS4 Assembly, at which they look forward to sharing all the plans, initiatives, charity and celebratory events, and awareness-raising discussed and planned today, that will foster and promote inclusivity, empowerment, equality, and diverse positivity in school and across the wider community.

We could not be more proud of our TARA ambassadors, their work together, and their contribution to our school and wider community and society, and we look forward to sharing news and updates on all that will be taking place.