earth day 2024 at ugs

Our Science department launch in-school recycling programme in aid of Earth Day

Mrs Walsh and our Science department teachers and technicians are celebrating Earth Day today with the launch of a UGS in-school recycling programme.

Details of how to get involved in this vital initiative have been circulated this morning to students and staff, and can also be accessed via Satchel One.

Our scientists have been inspired by the lead theme of Earth Day this year: Planet vs. Plastics, as Mrs Walsh explains:

The scientists and citizens behind the Earth Day movement are committed to end plastics for the sake of human and planetary health, demanding a 60% reduction in the production of ALL plastics by 2040. Our theme Planet vs. Plastics is a call to advocate widespread awareness about the health risk of plastics, to rapidly phase out all single-use plastics, to urgently push for a strong UN Treaty on Plastic Pollution, and to demand an end to fast fashion.

With this in mind, today is a great day for us to launch our in-school recycling programmes. From today, students and staff can bring in the following items for recycling:

1. Batteries - any brand, any size. 

Collection point: Conservatory (opposite S7 on the Science corridor)

2. Toothbrushes (manual), interdental brushes and toothbrush heads - any brand. Plastic boxes for tooth floss are also accepted.

Collection point: Conservatory. 

3. Rigid plastic food storage containers and lids- e.g. lunch boxes, snack pots and reusable water bottles (not single-use plastic items)

Collection point: Conservatory. 

4. Pens: any type (biro, felt tip, fine liner, highlighter etc.), mechanical pencils, and Tippex (or similar) mouse/ pots.

Collection points: Conservatory, Science labs, LRC, staff room. 

Recycling Collection Point

With thanks to Team Science for organising this crucial programme and for raising awareness of the hugely important objectives of Earth Day; and we know that our whole school community will do us proud and fully get behind the initiative.