year 9 RS visit
Year 9 Religious Studies students educational visit to Manchester Central Mosque
A crucial component of the Year 9 Religious Studies curriculum and teaching during the 3 year GCSE course is a visit to the Mosque to learn about the building and its importance to the community and to the Faith, and to gain a greater insight into and understanding of Islam.
Led by current Head of RS Mr Uthman, over the course of 3 days this week all UGS Year 9 classes visited the historic Manchester Central Mosque, which has served the city centre vicinity since the early 1900s, and which originally comprised of 2 adjacent buildings until they were amalgamated and developed into MCM in the 1970s.
Following a tour of the external structure with Mr Uthman, Year 9 were fortunate to meet with the Imam who gave them a guided tour of the Mosque building and talked about the Imam's role within Islam, after which he led an invaluable Q&A discussion session with Year 9 and a demonstration of prayer.
With huge thanks to Manchester Central Mosque for their welcome and hospitality, and for this instructive and enlightening tour which was of huge benefit to Year 9 studies and development; and to the RS department for supporting our students.