final day of geography field trip

Our Year 10 geographers do us proud and are highly commended by their hosts!

It was the last day of our Year 10 Geography residential field trip to North Wales today, and staff accompanying and supporting our students on the trip report that they could not be more proud of all that the geographers have achieved, and of how they have conducted themselves throughout their time there.

But it is not only our staff who have been impressed; Mr Neale is delighted to share that their hosts at Draper's Field Centre in scenic Betws-y-Coed provided excellent feedback about our students, their engagement, and their conduct throughout the stay. Well done all!

This morning was spent in classroom learning, going over theory and all the data that they had gathered during their coastal investigations, and engaging in more practical applications of learning, while conducting final analyses of their findings.

At the time of writing, they are en route from Wales, a little tired, a little soggy, but hugely enriched from their trip, and energised for their geographical studies moving forward!

Great work all, with huge thanks to the geography staff for organising the field trip and for supporting our students, and to Draper's Field Centre for their fabulous hospitality.