goodbye class of 2024!

"Never stop growing, you are all amazing ... you will always be a part of UGS": a fond farewell today to our Year 11s

Head of Year Miss Smith is pictured above with just a few of our Year 11s at their leaving celebration earlier today. As Miss Smith said in her emotional and heartfelt goodbye, the cohort has been delightful, and have truly impressed her and all of our staff with their resilience and their many accomplishments.

Their last day began this morning with the English Language GCSE, and after completion, the entire year group headed to a special celebratory gathering, a chance to bid goodbye to staff, to join in the tradition of shirt-signing, and to enjoy some refreshments.

Following this, it was time for a poignant Leaver's Assembly in our Theatre. Mrs Wall opened proceedings by paying tribute to the 5 years that Year 11 have spent with us, and to all that they have achieved, both academically, and in terms of fulfilling personal goals.

As Mrs Wall shared with the students, the core of UGS education and ethos is not only shaping the academic lives and work ethic of our students, but supporting, encouraging, and enriching their growth as individuals. And igniting in them a passion not only for learning, but for aspiration, and for life, here, now, and in the future.

Miss Smith then paid her tribute to the year group, expressing pride in their many successes, and in the "resolution, determination, positivity, and good humour" that they had all demonstrated.

Assistant Head Mr Roberts concluded with praise and good wishes, and expressed how magnificent it has been to see how they have grown and matured. And he spoke for all when he told the students that it had been a privilege to have worked with them: "You will always be a part of this community - you will always be a part of UGS".

Finally, the Assembly ended with a lovely photo roll of our Year 11s through the years, from their very first residential at Lakeside as Year 7s, to the present day.

Goodbye Year 11, you have been amazing, the very best of luck in your GCSEs and in the future, and we look forward to welcoming many of you back into our Sixth Form in September!