

PE plays a vital role in developing our physical, mental and social wellbeing and we are passionate about every student achieving their potential. We have excellent facilities for PE including a Sports hall, Astro Turf, fully equipped Fitness Suite and shared facilities with Urmston Sports Club (Tennis and Cricket).

We offer a broad and balanced, inclusive curriculum which is designed to motivate and challenge our students, to develop cognitive (head), practical (hands) and emotional resilience (heart) attributes. With the understanding that in order to perform well in any activity or sport, a great deal of time and commitment needs to occur. Our ethos is geared towards all our students giving their very best to every lesson, regardless of outcome. Students follow a curriculum that is both sequenced and scaffolded that prepares them for their next stage of education and ‘world’ ready.

For those students who wish to participate recreationally or competitively, opportunity is given to compete in extra-curricular lunchtime and after-school sessions in a range of activities (for further information please see the current timetable below).  Furthermore, we organise and compete in a variety of inter and intra school sporting competitions and obtain regular success at county, regional and national levels of competition.

You can see a number of the  clubs and teams we run on our extra-curricular timetable here.

For further information please email

A significant number of our students take part in extracurricular sports clubs to learn new skills, keep healthy and develop positive relationships with their peers. Some students are part of the school teams and compete locally, regionally and nationally.  Many of our students have represented England in a diverse range of sports including volleyball, gymnastics, Taekwondo, basketball and skating. Each year we are delighted at the students’ wide-ranging sporting successes.