PTA family quiz night

Save the Date: Friday 17th May!

In exciting news, the PTA are delighted to announce that they are hosting a Family Quiz Night in our Main Hall on Friday 17th May.

As well as the opportunity to join together to flex your quizzing skills, there will be music and refreshments available to enjoy, including pizza, sweet treats and a licenced bar.

The fun starts at 6pm, and all proceeds will go towards the PTA funds, which support the school in providing enrichment opportunities and enhancing the education of our students. 

As detailed in the letter circulated to parents and carers this week:

Ticket prices:

Adults £3.00 Children £2.00 Family Tickets £10.00 (includes two adults and up to 3 children)

Tickets are available to purchase via Parentpay.

Production of a ticket will be required on the night in order to gain entry to the event.

New parents for incoming year 7s will be sent a link to purchase the ticket through the Parentpay shop

Deadline for purchase of tickets: 10th May 2024

You would not want to miss out on this fantastic UGS family night out that's all in a good cause, so book some tickets now, and we very much look forward to seeing a great many of our wonderful wider school community at the evening.