forensic finale to this half-term for 7 science club!

Exciting end to weeks of forensic investigation for our Year 7 Scientists!

As you'll know, we've been closely following all the great activities that our Year 7 scientists have been involved in during lunchtime Science Club, and this half term the club has been fantastically well-attended, with many Year 7s embracing the opportunity to learn hands-on about Forensic Science, and to have a go at forensic procedures.

Half-term ended with a special meeting of the club, where the students learnt how to follow the forensic method to extract their own DNA from their cheek cells.

They are pictured enjoying their moment, having successfully completed the process, and Science Club leader Mrs Walsh proudly reports: "The students did brilliantly and were able to spot the tiny strands of DNA in their samples. Well done!"

A super way to close before the break, and we can't wait to hear about all that they get up to in the labs when we return in just over a week!

With huge thanks to Mrs Walsh for facilitating this great opportunity for Year 7, and for sharing all the news and photos!