black history month celebration

Special event to launch Black History Month

Today we enjoyed a lunch-time event showcasing our extensive range of diverse books ahead of the start of Black History Month in October, and the beginning of our Read for Black History Month House Challenge.

In the last week, students and staff participated in nominating both books and figures - from History, Politics, Literature, Music, Sport and the Performing Arts - who they would like to champion, celebrate and recognise during Black History Month, and their choices have been shared and displayed to inspire students to find out more about these culturally and historically significant authors, books and individuals. 

Our students did us proud with their engagement in the project, and it was lovely today to see students from across the year groups (in lead picture and below) take the opportunity to visit the display of titles, and to select texts to read for the challenge, while sharing recommendations on how we can expand our collection further.

Well Done all!

This month, our Careers Department would also like to share news of this wonderful initiative from the Black Apprentice Network in association with Amazing Apprenticeships. See link below for further details: