Joel swims his way to fundraising success

So proud of Year 7 Joel!

We are delighted to share news about kind-hearted Joel 7M (pictured above), who has raised an outstandingly phenomenal amount of £1,010 for Flixton Swim Team, a local community competitive swimming club, of which he is a member, and who are solely reliant on local support and donations to keep running and to serve the local community.

Joel only recently joined the Swim Team, and, previous to this sponsored swim, had only ever swam a maximum of 16 continuous lengths. But he was keen to participate in the sponsored swim and determined to maximise fund-raising, and to that end, swam a huge 64 lengths, which equates to 1600m!

Joel's achievement is all the more impressive as he has never before undertaken a sponsored swim, and he far exceeded the personal fund-raising target of £150 that he originally set himself!

Fellow 7M form members and Joel's friends Thomas and Sebby are also swim team members, and they joined in the team effort, with the outcome that, in total, the club altogether swam a truly phenomenal 9520 lengths (238000m) ... which is the equivalent of swimming the Channel 7.4 times!

A truly awe-inspiring team effort, and a lovely demonstration from Joel, Sebby and Thomas of our core UGS values of Pride, Participation and Empathy.

Really well done, we could not be more proud, with huge thanks to Joel and family for sharing this wonderful news with us.